
Wi-Fi Now: SoftAtHome delivers fast & ‘eco-friendly’ home broadband speed test to Orange France.
April 17, 2024
Verifying your home broadband speed is important for both consumers and service providers and now home broadband solution provider SoftAtHome is including speed tests as part of its ‘Eyes’ON‘ analytics solution.

ARTICLE: Orange France boosts residential Wi-Fi speeds with new Livebox 7 powered by SoftAtHome
October 31, 2023
The new Livebox 7 released last week delivers up to 2.5 times the data rate of the previous model. The unit comes with Wi-Fi 6E and is powered by smart home software leader SoftAtHome.

WHITE PAPER: Sustainability of the Home LAN
Together with Orange, Broadpeak and SAGEMCOM, we commissioned a Whitepaper from Benjamin Schwarz on the Sustainability of the Home LAN.
It became an operator-led ecosystem approach to understanding and managing the environmental impact of the home LAN.

Interview from Orange France
Launch of the Livebox 6 by Laurent Feurer, Product Marketing Director for Broadband Devices & Telco services, Orange France

Wi-Fi Now : How to optimize Wi-Fi without any customer impact ?
SoftAtHome helps ISPs reduce carbon footprint by cutting Wi-Fi power consumption.

Connect World ICT: Age of Artificial Intelligence
The future of Artificial Intelligence is at the Edge by Arnaud Bensaid, VP Marketing, SoftAtHome

The story of how virtualization
The story of how virtualization has made its way right into the digital home