Aztech partners with SoftAtHome

Aztech Partners With SoftAtHome to Enhance Home Gateway Capabilities
SINGAPORE, 13 May 2010 – Singapore broadband and home networking products manufacturer, Aztech Electronics Pte Ltd (“Aztech”), today announced its strategic partnership with SoftAtHome, a software provider of home operating platforms that help service providers deliver convergent applications for the Digital Home.
The partnership will see the integration of the SoftAtHome Operating Platform (SOP) into Aztech’s Home Gateway device, an all-in-one solution which provides advanced Digital Home services with high broadband connectivity. With SoftAtHome’s open, ubiquitous and carrier-class software platform, service providers will be able to create innovative and convergent applications for the Digital Home on Aztech’s Home Gateway in a timely manner. An SDK (Software Development Kit) is freely available to third party applications developers enabling them to develop innovative solutions running on top of the SoftAtHome/Aztech solution.
Both Aztech and SoftAtHome are currently working together with a major Tier 1 telecommunications provider, who will be one of the first to commercially deploy the solution. This will enable the customer to deliver broadband and quadruple play services as well as innovative applications such as DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) content sharing, IPTV convergent services with Set Top Box, advanced voice services and Wi-Fi scheduling in its Home Gateways.
Comments Aztech Group CEO & Chairman, Michael Mun, “The Home Gateway started as a broadband access with routing capabilities and has rapidly evolved to support more access technologies from ADSL to FTTH GPON. The evolution is still going on with the Home Gateway playing a key role in digital content sharing at home. We are pleased to partner with SoftAtHome to further enhance our product capabilities and to make the Digital Home a reality.”
Adds Michel Degland, CEO for SoftAtHome, ”We’re delighted to partner Aztech, a leading electronics manufacturer in the Home Gateway business. Our customers, who are major service providers, need to introduce new and innovative services with an optimised time-tomarket in the Digital Home environment. The porting of the SoftAtHome Operating Platform on Aztech Home Gateway is a concrete answer to our customers’ needs. The partnership will bring further innovative developments in the Digital Home.
About Aztech Group Ltd. (“Aztech”) Incorporated in 1986 and listed on the Main Board of the Singapore Exchange, Aztech is a dynamic international group with key activities in Electronics Design & Manufacturing, Materials Supply and Marine Logistics. The Group operates in six countries over three continents. For more information, please visit
About Aztech Electronics Pte Ltd (“Aztech Electronics”) Aztech Electronics Pte Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aztech Group Ltd. Aztech Electronics business comprises of the design and manufacture of Broadband, Home Networking and LED Lighting products. With its vertically integrated manufacturing plant in Dong Guan, China, together with 6 worldwide sales offices and 4 R&D centres, Aztech Electronics provides services of ODM/OEM, Contract Manufacturing and Retail brand distribution. The Aztech brand is available in 14 countries including Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia. For more information, please visit